Critical Information Summary ADSL

Critical Information Summary ADSL

This summary gives you the important information you need to know about your plan. It covers things like the length of your contract, how much you need to pay each month, what’s included and what’s not.

Information about the Service

Your plan gives you access to a Broadband Solutions business broadband service. This service will be provided via either Adsl 2 + or Adsl 1 technology.


Broadband Solutions Business Broadband is not available everywhere. Availability depends on a number of factors, including whether the necessary equipment is available at the relevant exchange, the length of cable to the nearest telephone exchange and the quality of the existing telephone service. It also depends on which upstream provider is supplying the service at that exchange.

You can take this plan up as a standalone or as a bundled plan if you also have an eligible Broadband Solutions Business fixed line service on your account.

You need a fixed telephone service in order to get Broadband Solutions business broadband. You also need a gateway. You can use your own gateway provided it is compatible with our Business broadband Adsl 1 or Adsl 2 + service.

We recommend that your device meet’s the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standards for Adsl.

You can check for this on the packaging of the device.

Alternatively, you can purchase a Cisco gateway from us for an upfront charge of $350.00.

Hardware can either be picked up from our Melbourne office or be delivered. Our standard delivery charge, which covers most products, is $35.00

Minimum Term

24 months.

The minimum term applicable to this service is 24 months from the date of activation. There is $0.00 setup fee on the 24-month term.

If you change to a different type of Internet access or technology for example Midband Ethernet or Fibre, you must pay us the monthly fee * by the remaining Monthly Charges for your plan. For example if you are on a 24 Month term and you cancel the plan with 20 Months remaining in the term then you must pay 20 * monthly charge.

Your Monthly Data Allowance

This service comes with an unlimited upload/download data allowance each month. There are no peak/off-peak restrictions on your use, and no excess usage charges.

Important Conditions

On ADSL 1 download speeds are up to a maximum of 8 Mbps and on Adsl 2 + the download speeds are up to a maximum of 20 Mbps.

Your actual speeds vary due to many factors including your distance from the exchange, quality of your copper line, your equipment/software and the way that the data is transmitted.

Information about Pricing

Your Minimum Monthly Charge

The monthly charge for your Business Broadband plan depends on whether you are in a coverage zone which is covered by the particular upstream provider which we use to provide the below service and also weather you are in a metro or regional coverage area and finally weather you bundle with a Business Broadband Business PSTN line or not.

Before signing up to a Business Broadband product we will perform a pre-qualification. Once the pre-qualification has been performed we will notify you if we can provide Business Broadband services through our upstream provider at your location.

Access Speed Metro Regional
Adsl 1 8Mbps/384k $95.00 $125.00
Adsl 2 + $95.00 $125.00
Adsl 1 Bundled with Phone Line $85.00 $120.00
Adsl 2 + Bundled with Phone Line $85.00 $120.00


When speaking to a sales representative ask for them to do a pre-qualification for you in order to determine that you can get coverage for Business Broadband at the location here you want the service to be provisioned and also ask for them to check to see if it is Metro or regional coverage.

Connection Charge

No connection charges a 24 Month plan.

The Total Minimum Plan Cost

Access Speed Metro Regional
Adsl 1 8Mbps/384k $2,280.00 $3,000.00
Adsl 2 + $2,280.00 $3,000.00
Adsl 1 Bundled with Phone Line $3,048.00 $3,888.00
Adsl 2 + Bundled with Phone Line $3,048.00 $3,888.00


Excess data Charges

There are no excess charges applicable to the unlimited plan.

Early Termination Charges

If your Business Broadband plan is cancelled before your minimum term has ended, you must pay us the monthly fee * by the remaining Monthly Charges for your plan.

For example if you are on a 24 Month term and you cancel the plan with 20 Months remaining in the term then you must pay 20 * monthly charge.

Other Charges

If one of our suppliers raises its prices in the future, this may result in the cost of your service increasing. We will let you know before this happens.

Other Information


On the same day of each month you’ll be billed in advance for the minimum monthly charge, as well as for use during the month.

When you first start a plan or change your plan part way through a billing period, here’s what your first bill will include:

Minimum monthly charge: a proportion of your minimum monthly charge based on the number of days left in the billing period, plus the next month’s full minimum monthly charge in advance.

Data: You’ll receive a full month’s data allowance.

Monitor your Service Online

You can register for (CAT) Customer Access Toolkit which is the Broadband Solutions online portal in order to view your bills online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the Broadband Solutions online portal, you’ll be able to organise and check your billing information, view your online activity and update your contact details. To register, please or contact 1300 683 000.

Contacting us

We are here to assist you with any inquiry so please feel free to contact Broadband Solutions If you have questions about your bill, technical support service or connection or any other matter relating to any of our services, please call us on 1300 008 647.

Complaints or disputes

If you need to make a complaint you can:

Call 1300 008 647 and ask to speak to someone in the complaints department.

Call your Account Representative if you have one.


Further investigation

If we can’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman by phone on 1800 062 058. For full contact information go online at

This is a summary only – the full legal terms for your service are contained in your agreement with Broadband Solutions and Our Customer Terms, which is available at